Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm pretty sure that I think I might know who I am, maybe

I know that a typical first blog tells about who you are, but...

First, a short list of things I am not and will probably never be:

1. Professional Athlete.

Unless of course fantasy football counts one day, in which case I hope the Yankees have a team that I could play for and Scott Boras would agree to be my agent.

2. A winner of American Idol

Although I do a riveting rendition of “How Great Thou Art” that sends goose bumps down the arms of all who hear it. (Anybody who has heard me do this is laughing hysterically right now)

3. A winner of “So You Think You Can Dance”

But ONLY because of my knee surgery, otherwise I would so totally OWN that show!!!!

4. The host of a “Do it yourself” series on HGTV

If there was an award for least likely to be this, I would win hands down. (I kid you not, while I was writing this on my lunch break at work, a coworker came to my office and asked me to help them fix the file cabinet. I spent three minutes fooling with it and we probably will need some kind of professional to come look at it now. I seriously might have just cost the company money by pretending to know what I was doing. How’s that for irony? I couldn’t make this stuff up.)

The list goes on for miles, but those are the highlights, or at least the funny ones. If I listed all of the things that I was not I would probably need to start a whole new blog and I just don’t think that’s the best direction for this one. (Although it would probably be a entertaining blog to read. We could even make it into sort of a message board where everybody could come and post all of the things they are not. It could be therapeutic for everyone to sort of let go of trying to be something they aren’t. Just a thought).

In reality, I was never meant to be any of those things and for the most part I’m okay with who I am not (I’m really bitter about the dance thing!). The thing that worries me the most is that if I was forced to come up with a list of things that I am, I would have a much tougher time with that.

Why is that? Could you do it?

What if God himself asked you to come up with a list of who he has made you to be? What would you say? Would it sound something like “uh…well, I’m kinda funny, I guess… uh, well, uh, I’m good at… uh… ok. I have no idea”?

Maybe you can’t relate to this, but I have a feeling that most of us can. God made us all so unique that it’s difficult for us to really put it all into words. Okay, so you know you’re funny, but isn’t there an infinite amount of comedic styles?

Smart, funny, witty goofy or serious just don’t seem to be good enough to capture the essence of such a uniquely created person.

Even though they are very fun to do and can be quite informative, personality tests don’t seem to be enough. Especially since most only acknowledge four personality types! Like God made 479,436,987 types of bugs, but only four types of people!

Perhaps we should start by asking much deeper questions.

What inspires me?

What would I do everyday if money was not an issue?

What would I do if I knew that I couldn’t fail?

And as we ask these questions we should ask God for His guidance to find the answers. After all, the only right motivation to finding out who we really are is so that we can live lives that are glorifying to God and meaningful to others.

Today, take some time to think about these things. It may seem strange, but then again, it might be the most productive thing you do all day.


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